# yum install glib2-develmysql-devel zlib-devel pcre-devel cmake -y
# wget
# cmake ./
#make && make install
-B, --database Database to dump
-T,--tables-list Comma delimitedtable list to dump (does not exclude regex option)
-o, --outputdir Directory to output files to
-s,--statement-size Attempted size ofINSERT statement in bytes, default 1000000
-r,--rows Try to splittables into chunks of this many rows. This option turns off --chunk-filesize
-F,--chunk-filesize Split tables intochunks of this output file size. This value is in MB
-c,--compress Compress outputfiles
-e,--build-empty-files Build dump fileseven if no data available from table
-x,--regex Regularexpression for 'db.table' matching
-i,--ignore-engines Comma delimitedlist of storage engines to ignore
-m, --no-schemas Do notdump table schemas with the data
-d, --no-data Do notdump table data
-G,--triggers Dump triggers
-E,--events Dump events
-R,--routines Dump storedprocedures and functions
-k,--no-locks Do not executethe temporary shared read lock. WARNING:This will cause inconsistent backups
--less-locking Minimize locking time on InnoDB tables.
-l,--long-query-guard Set long querytimer in seconds, default 60
-K,--kill-long-queries Kill long runningqueries (instead of aborting)
-D, --daemon Enabledaemon mode
-I, --snapshot-interval Interval between each dump snapshot (in minutes), requires --daemon, default60
-L,--logfile Log file name touse, by default stdout is used
--tz-utc SETTIME_ZONE='+00:00' at top of dump to allow dumping of TIMESTAMP data when aserver has data in different time zones or data is being moved between serverswith different time zones, defaults to on use --skip-tz-utc to disable.
--use-savepoints Usesavepoints to reduce metadata locking issues, needs SUPER privilege
--success-on-1146 Not increment error count and Warning insteadof Critical in case of table doesn't exist
--lock-all-tables UseLOCK TABLE for all, instead of FTWRL
-U,--updated-since Use Update_timeto dump only tables updated in the last U days
--trx-consistency-only Transactional consistency only
-h,--host The host toconnect to
-u,--user Username withprivileges to run the dump
-p,--password User password
-P,--port TCP/IP port toconnect to
-S,--socket UNIX domainsocket file to use for connection
-t, --threads Numberof threads to use, default 4
-C,--compress-protocol Use compressionon the MySQL connection
-V,--version Show the programversion and exit
-v,--verbose Verbosity ofoutput, 0 = silent, 1 = errors, 2 = warnings, 3 = info, default 2
-d,--directory Directoryof the dump to import导入备份目录
-q,--queries-per-transaction Number ofqueries per transaction, default 1000
-o,--overwrite-tables Drop tablesif they already exist如果表存在删除表
-B,--database Analternative database to restore into需要还原的库
-s,--source-db Database torestore
-e,--enable-binlog Enablebinary logging of the restore data
-h,--host The host toconnect to
-u,--user Usernamewith privileges to run the dump
-p,--password Userpassword
-P,--port TCP/IP portto connect to
-S,--socket UNIX domainsocket file to use for connection
-t,--threads Number ofthreads to use, default 4使用的线程数量,默认4
-C,--compress-protocol Usecompression on the MySQL connection
-V,--version Show theprogram version and exit
-v,--verbose Verbosityof output, 0 = silent, 1 = errors, 2 = warnings, 3 = info, default 2
table data:每个表一个文件
table schemas:表结构文件
daemon mode:在这个模式下,有五个目录0,1,binlogs,binlog_snapshot,last_dump。
# mydumper -h -u root -p passwd -B database -T tables0,tables01,tables02,tables03 -o /home/bak
# 备份其中指定表,用逗号隔开
# mydumper -h -u root -p passwd -B database -o /home/bak
# 整个数据分表备份
# cat metadata 可以看到
# mydumper -uroot -proot -B hellodb-o /home/data/bak -D -I 30
# myloader -o -B hellodb -o -d/home/data/bak/last_dump
[root@db ~]# time mysqldump -uroot -proot -B Mobile > aa.sql
real 0m1.863s
user 0m1.571s
sys 0m0.164s
[root@db ~]# time mydumper -u root -p root -B Mobile -o /db/backup/mobile/
real 0m0.851s
user 0m0.735s
sys 0m0.101s